Emerald Fennell’s latest movie may not add up to much, but it’s an entertaining ride nonetheless.
The studio's attempt to recognize its past ends up saying far more about its present.
Ridley Scott's latest movie continues to examine the pique of weak men.
What will Marvel Studios do after a disappointing weekend for 'The Marvels'?
A rocky season sticks the landing.
Marvel movies usually aren't great, but 'The Marvels' remembers that they used to be fun.
Seeing yourself in an iconic character.
Sofia Coppola returns with another terrific examination of female loneliness.
Owning your odd cinematic fetishes.
Looking at the fallout of Dead Reckoning.
Martin Scorsese, one of our foremost chroniclers of guilt, turns his eye towards the horrors of white supremacy.
Two new books by acclaimed authors show their shortcomings as they try to valorize sociopaths of Silicon Valley.